Island Picnic June 8, 12:00 Noon

Esmann Island picnic is still being planned for 12:00 noon on June 8th, 2013.  We are asking for anyone who is planning to attend to notify any board member, secretary or treasure, RSVP to the Esmann Island website or e-mail Mike Shaffer at:  We need to know how much to grill!! Association will provide Meat, condiments, Plates napkins etc, Bring a dish to share, your chair and favorite beverage

May Board Minutes





Board Members Present:  Dave Wagner called the regular meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. with Mike Shaffer, Ken Brandel, Don Niosi, Mary Eulberg and Terry Lubbers in attendance.  Dottie Reimer, secretary. Donna Gilkes, treasurer. 

Members Present:  Mert Duffy, Daryl Westcott, Bob Gilkes, Carol Buhman and Steve Lampe 

Minutes:  Reviewed minutes from the April 27th, 2013 meeting.  Motion to approve minutes; 1st by Eulberg; 2nd by Shaffer, motion approved.   

Treasures Report:   Reviewed treasurer’s report.  Motion to approve treasurer’s report, 1st byLubbers; 2nd by Shaffer, motion approved.   

Bills:   Current bills presented and reviewed.  Motion to approve bills for payment, 1st by Niosi; 2nd by Lubbers, motion approved. 

Building Permits:   No building permits at this time 

Property Ownership Changes:  No change of ownership at this time. 

Road Report:

  • Ken Brandel reported he and Bob Gilkes toured the island and made an assessment of the roads.  Ken will patch those spots which need attention. 
  • Ken Brandel stated Wayne Jensen sprayed weeds on the back road as well as some mowing.  Thank you Wayne!!
  • Ken Brandel would like some volunteers to help with removing fallen trees and branches.  This will be brought up at annual meeting, if anyone is interested, please contact Ken Brandel.
  • Discussion held regarding new layer of seal coat for roads.  Able Island is interested in sharing the cost for the part of the road which is shared by both islands.
  • Dave mentioned if we wait until next year to seal coat Esmann Island roads, there will be enough funds in our account that we would not need to borrow any funds for this project. Motion made to seal coat Esmann Island roads next year and to share cost with Able Island for shared road, 1st by Niosi, 2nd by Shaffer, motion approved.

Property Owner’s Concerns or Comments: 

  • Concern/ Comment form will be posted on bulletin board for anyone’s use.  Please feel free to take one and return to any board member, secretary or treasurer.
  • Mert Duffy came forward and stated she believes the home going up next to her is too close to her lot line at the back of the property.  She is very concerned of water run off to her property.  Board members reviewed original building request and it has been noted the built structure is somewhat different from the building permit submitted.  Mert stated anything the association does; she would like a copy for her records.  Dave Wagner will send a letter to resident and copy Mert.
  • Discussion held on how to prevent this in the future, suggestion made to put on building permit for applicants to find and mark property pins prior to construction and if pins are moved, they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.  

Old Business:  

  • Farm land the association owns is 32 1/2 acres and not 37 acres as first thought.  It was agreed with the current farmer to adjust his payment due in the fall.
  • Update on rail road crossing:  Dave Wagner sent letter to board of supervisors and Don Niosi took pictures and forwarded them to his contact.
  • Esmann Island Entrance Sign:  Terry Lubbers reported back on the rock for the entrance to Esmann Island.  He reported cost of one rock found and approximately cost to transport.  He is still looking at several different locations for a large rock and report back next month.
  • Mary Eulberg will get estimated cost for engraving on rock. 

New Business: 

  • Don Niosi reported there was an attempted break-in at the association pole building sometime this winter.  There was damage done to both the back and front doors.  Discussion held and a motion made to install a motion light, 1st by Niosi, 2nd by Shaffer, motion approved.
  • Bob Gilkes came forward to resign from the winter road commission position.  Board will ask for volunteer at the annual members meeting next month.
  • Steve Lampe came forward and volunteered to be on the building committee.
  • There are two (2) board positions available for the upcoming year.  Mike Shaffer stated he would run again and Dave will contact Jim McGuire to ask if he is seeking re-election.  Dave will give information to secretary for ballots, which will be mailed out next week with the assessment notices.  Anyone who is interested in running for a board position, please notify any board member, secretary or treasurer as soon as possible.  There are also nomination forms posted on the bulletin board.
  • Esmann Island picnic is still being planned for 12:00 noon on June 8th, 2013.  We are asking for anyone who is planning to attend to notify any board member, secretary or treasure, RSVP to the Esmann Island website or e-mail Mike Shaffer at:  We need to know how much to grill!! 

Next meeting is set for Saturday, June 8thth 2013 after members meeting. 

Meeting adjourned 9:00 a.m. Motion to adjourn 1st by Niosi; 2nd by Shaffer. Motion approved. 

Respectfully submitted by:

Dottie Reimer,


Esmann Island Owners’ Association