Meeting called to order shortly after 8 am by President Josh Geistkemper.  Present were Vice President Tim Ahlers, Kate Hoffman, Linda Lampe and Kevin Theis.  Bret Flickinger participated by phone. Absent, Gail Scheer.   Cindy Lynch was responsible for minutes in absence of Secretary Laurie Helling.

Several island members were also present: Dale Hoffman, Tim Hoffman, Don Niosi, Ken Brandel, Wayne Jensen, Terry Denner, Shawna Barton, Doug Hinzman and Doc Rolfe.

Tim Ahlers motioned to accept and forego reading of minutes of August 19 board meeting, seconded by Kate Hoffman.  Motion passed, All in favor.

Treasurers report was presented by Treasurer and approved after some discussion on approvals, upcoming winter expenses and potential investment options.  Expenses were reviewed and approved with a motion by Tim A. and seconded by Linda L.  

CD Investment options were discussed and decisions will be deferred to early 2024 pending potential expenditures.

Tim has graciously agreed to be responsible for payment of any expenses that may be required over the winter.  He will occasionally check for mail, retain office keys, etc.

Committee Reports (continued below in New Business): Doc Rolfe Reported on behalf of the building committee. There are a few projects underway for the winter, Leiss, LeFevre and potentially, Youngblood and Keune DBA Advantage Development.   AS AGREED IN THE SPRING, THERE WILL BE NO BUILDING PERMITS FROM NOVEMBER, 2023 through MARCH, 2024.  Any exceptions should be taken up with Doc Rolfe and Josh Geistkemper.  

Property Changes: There are no property ownership changes reported.

Old Business:

Tim reported that the AEDs have been received and will be distributed to Mary and Mark Eulberg, Bonnie and Chris Morris and Tim Ahlers for the winter.  Further discussion needed on placement and access for next spring.  Persons interested in providing input are asked to contact Treasurer Cindy Lynch 319-560-7805.

In conjunction with the AEDs, CPR training is still planned for spring.  There will be more details provided to those who have already expressed interest. Please contact Cindy if you have not already done so.

Tree trimming on the roadway is on hold until Alliant project is complete.  Meanwhile, tree trimming on residential property or removal is owners responsibility.

Pickle ball court is not quite complete. More concrete is to be poured. Any additional expense will come from the Pond fund.   The rec committee also expects some pond dredging in the spring.


New Business:

A new Esmann Island flag has been purchased.  Unfortunately,  the original flag, agreed and voted by island members was very washed out and faded looking.  After consulting with the designer, Christina Miller, new colors were selected and new flag purchased. Flag will be put up in the spring.   Terry and Teri Denner have responsibility for the flags and have keys if needed.

Josh has discussed boat dock options with Ryan Riechers, TWR Marine.  He has a used set up that Josh will look at by spring and bring a proposal to the board.

Members present all participated in discussion of golf carts and folks up in the park/pavilion area late at night or habitually driving recklessly on island.  A lively discussion ended with a motion by Kate Hoffman to look into options for regulating and enforcing rules (those in place as well as new proposals).

Suggestions made ranged from law enforcement presence, some kind of fine arrangement for those rule breakers, a gate to prevent cars/trucks in pond area, cameras in the area, etc.  All agreed it was, and is, an ongoing concern and no one wants to see anyone seriously hurt.  Consensus was that we must all be good neighbors and this should include respectful confrontation if necessary.  BE A GOOD NEIGHBOR. Linda Lampe seconded motion, all in favor.

Kate Hoffman made a motion, seconded by Linda Lampe to return to regular meeting schedule as outlined in our by-laws, 3rd Saturday of each month April through October. Motion passed with all in favor.   Efforts will be made to make meeting available online for board members who are unable to attend.  It is hoped that a regular schedule will encourage attendance of the membership.

Road Conditions Josh G./Cindy L. reported that Tom Lynch has said that after talking with Alliant/Michels crew there are 3 places that Black Hills Energy had opened on the road to access gas shutoff.  Tom is following up to make sure there is some resolution by Black Hills.  These areas are marked with orange paint.  Doc said there is another area on Timberlane that should be checked.  Tom will followup.

Beautification Committee:This was a stressful year for our common grounds.  First a flood then a drought.  Next spring will begin with earnest efforts to keep our island even more beautiful.  Suggestions or offers of help can be directed to Gail Scheer. Trash cans will be made available in the pavilion area to help with this.

Boat Storage: Don Niosi reported there were 7 boats for winter storage.  All but 2 are in the building.  Those should be placed by the end of October.   Anyone on the waiting list has been notified. There may be space for one more small boat.   Contact Don if you are interested.

Winter Misc.: Tim Ahlers has keys to the island office, the gate and maintenance shed. If access is needed over the winter, please contact him.

Financial Updates: Report is available by request to any island member.  Text Cindy 319-560-7805.  Cindy will work with Josh to craft a budget that may include reserve for future projects or investments as well as budgeted expenses/income for 2024.


Respectfully submitted, Cindy Lynch, EIOA Treasurer

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