Special Board meeting minutes, Sand Recision

Esmann Island Owner’s Association

Special Board Meeting

October 12, 2013


Board Members Present:  Dave Wagner called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. with Mike Shaffer, Ken Brandel, Don Niosi, Jim McGuire, and Terry Lubbers in attendance.

Motion was made by Don Niosi, 2nd by Terry Lubbers to extinguish the real estate agreement with the US Army Corps of Engineers, release the Corps of Engineers from any future claims, and agree that the Corps of Engineers has no current requirement to restore the easement site.  Motion carried.

Motion by Terry Lubbers, 2nd by Mike Shaffer to pay J P Moyna $300.00 for the stone for our sign.  Motion carried.

Motion by Ken Brandel, 2nd by Mike Shaffer to approve the building permit for Dale and Sandra McKiney.  Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn by Mike Shaffer, 2nd by Jim McGuire at 7:50 a.m.