July Board Minutes




Board Members Present:  Dave Wagner called the regular meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. with Jim McGuire, Barb Engle, Mike Shaffer, Don Niosi, Ken Brandel and Carol Buhman in attendance, Dottie Reimer, secretary. Donna Gilkes, treasurer 

Members Present: Bob Gilkes, Ken Schmerbach, Wayne Jensen, Dale and Karen Simmons 

Minutes:  Reviewed minutes from last meeting, Motion to approve 1st Shaffer, 2nd by Buhman, motion approved. 

Treasures Report: 

  • Dave passed out detailed report showing projected expenses for the coming year.  Suggestion made to make an additional $10,000.00 on loan note to pay balance down. Motion by McGuire, 2nd by Brandel to pay down loan with the additional funds, motion approved. 
  • Board reviewed treasurer’s report and revenues & expenses as of July 13, 2010.  Motion to approve treasure’s report 1st by McGuire, 2nd by Brandel, motion approved.
  • Friendly reminders will be sent to those members who have not paid their association dues.  Continue reading