Board Minutes 7-18-2009




Board Members Present:  Dave Wagner called the regular meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. with Carol Buhman, Barb Engle, Ken Brandel, Don Niosi and Mike Shaffer in attendance, Denise Schneider, treasurer and Dottie Reimer, secretary.

 Members Present:  Ken Schmerbach, Bob and Donna Gilkes, Ed Schneider, Ron Schneider.

Minutes:  Wagner called for motion to approve 6-20-09 meeting minutes, 1st Engle; 2nd Shaffer, approved, motion carried.  Wagner called for motion to approve special board meeting minutes 7-5-09, 1st Shaffer, 2nd Niosi. 

Treasures Report:  Amended treasurers report handed out, Shaffer approved amended report, 2nd by Brandel.  

Bills:  Bills submitted for approval Rite Price $58.18; Wagner Acctng $47.01; Postmaster $44.00; Wayne Jensen $500.00. 

Building Permits:   New building committee appointed as Ken Schmerbach and Tom Nagel stepped down, Wayne Jensen and Bob Gilkes will fill these positions.  1 permit submitted, Rick Schneider, Lot 142.  Building committee will review and come back to board with their recommendations.  

Property Ownership Changes:   Lot 271 Yankuns to Lampe; Lot 232 from Reck to Baumgartner, and Lot 269 from Moser to Kettler. 

Road Report:   

Ken Brandel will give updated information at special membership road meeting today at 10:00 a.m. 

Old Business: 

  • Island Clean Up Day is Monday, September 14
  • Ed Schneider stated the party interested in the chloride, which the association still has, is not interested at this time in purchasing.  Wagner will contact Clayton County treasurer’s office as they may be interested in the chloride we have.

New Business:  

Request made that board members stand when talking at the meetings with the membership.  Still need to sell the tank and mower. 

With no further business to discuss, there was a motion by Brandel, 2nd by Shaffer to adjourn the meeting at 9.35 a.m.  All ayes, motion carried.

 Next meeting scheduled for August 15, 2009 at 9:00 a.m.

 Dottie Reimer,


Esmann Island Owners’ Association

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