October Minutes- Merry Christmas

Just realized I had missed posting the October minutes. Better late than Never.

Have a great Holiday






Board Members Present:  Dave Wagner called the regular meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. with Mike Shaffer, Mary Eulberg, Ken Brandel, Don Niosi. Jim McGuire and Terry Lubbers in attendance.  Dottie Reimer, secretary. Donna Gilkes, treasurer.

Members Present:  Bob Gilkes and Larry Brown 

Minutes:  Reviewed minutes from the September 22nd, 2012 meeting.  Motion to approve minutes; 1st by Niosi; 2nd by McGuire, motion approved. 

Treasures Report:   Reviewed treasurer’s report.  Motion to approve treasurer’s report, 1st byLubbers; 2nd by Eulberg, motion approved.  Treasure reported all dues are paid and there are no delinquencies. 

Bills:   Current bills presented and reviewed.  Motion to approve bills for payment, 1st by Shaffer; 2nd by Brandel, motion approved. 

Building Permits:   There are no building permits at this time 

Property Ownership Changes:  Grundemeyer toGaul, Lots 185, 186 

Road Report:

  • Ken Brandel reports nothing new with the roads. 

Property Owner’s Concerns or Comments:

Board member showed council pictures of building, glass, tin being pushed into the Mississippi River.  Board agreed a letter will be sent to property owner.  Motion to approve 1st Lubbers, 2nd by Eulberg, motion approved 

Old Business:  

  • Boat storage update:  Don Niosi reported he is still waiting for payments from boat owners for boat storage.  He has requests from others who still want their boats in storage.  Discussion held and a motion made for next year and going forward, we will require payment up front for boat storage by October 1st.  This way we can know exactly how much room we have available for possibly renting more space to others.  Motion to approve, 1st by Niosi, 2nd by Shaffer, motion approved.
  • Island sign:  It was reported a large stone has not been found yet and board agreed to wait till spring to look at our options and go forward with the new EsmannIslandentrance sign.
  • Dave reported he has received the lease from the new farmer who will be farming the 37 acres of farm ground on the Island.
  • Dave also reported he has not heard back from the Corp of Engineers regarding dredging and does not know when they plan to start. 
  • Expiring covenants forEsmannIsland:  Dave met with attorney regarding the expiring covenants due 2013. EsmannIslandneeds to file a verified claim stating all covenants will stay the same; this will again make the covenants in place at this time good for another 20 years.  Board agreed and Dave will have attorney draw up the paperwork. 
  • We received 3 bids for the storage and office building roofs.  Discussion held and it was agreed that Kevin Klaes was low bidder, and he will be awarded this task.   Motion to approve Kevin Klaes to fix roofs, 1st by Eulberg, 2nd by McGuire, motioned approved. 

New Business: 

  • Jim McGuire requested the board discuss a possible picnic shelter on common ground, discussion held and it was agreed to put on 2013 ballot and bring this topic up at the next annual Esmann Island Association members in June 2013.
  • Speeding:  Discussion held on speeding on the roads, we are asking all property owners to watch the speed limits.  We are also asking for owners who are having work done on their property to please notify your vendors to abide by the speed limits on our roads.  Suggestion made to put statement on every building permit issued.
  • Donations to GuttenbergHospitaland Guttenberg Fire Department: Motion made to approve payment of $250.00 to each of these organizations.  Motion to approve donations be made to hospital and fire department,   1st Shaffer, 2nd by Lubbers, motion approved.
  • Budget:  Dave handed out worksheets for next year’s budget, discussion held on each line item. Motion to approve 2013 budget, 1st Lubbers, 2nd by McGuire, motion approved. 

Next meeting is set for Saturday, April 27th 2013 at 8:00 a.m. 

Meeting adjourned 9:20 a.m. Motion to adjourn 1st by Shaffer; 2nd by Eulberg. Motion approved. 

Respectfully submitted by:

Dottie Reimer, Secretary

EsmannIslandOwners’ Association

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